The new SGA leaders were inaugurated on Tuesday April 26.
President, TJ Eaves, and Vice President, Alecia Page presented their speaches and had time to sit for a short Q&A with the WCJ.
On the meeting earlier in the month, the SGA senators decided to bridge the gap between the local Jackson community and WCU. At the April 18 SGA meeting all 14 senators votet for the plan to donate $500 to the Sylva Community Table. The plan was proposed by senators Jannidy Gonzalez Alanis and Benjamin Collette that will put the leftover funds into the hands and mouths of the community that many of the SGA senators spoke highly of.
“It not only helps the community but it bridges the gap between the college and surrounding towns,” Vice President Alecia Page said.
SGA has been working all school year in ratifying the student government constitution. The last time any revisions were made to it was in the 1960s. There were some changes made but most of the content stayed the same. At the meeting the senate passed the constitution.
“It reaffirms to the board of trustees that the SGA is going to be proactive in getting more things done around campus and with the new administration and budget cuts, we need something to reassure the students that their rights are a top priority,” former SGA Vice President Jared Hopkins said.
“CAT Tracker” was finalized to where whenever you log into Blackboard at the beginning of next semester a message will prompt you to sign up. “CAT Tracker” is a system that sends emails or text messages to you regarding events that can keep you safe. Such as weather alerts, class cancelation, or a police situation on or around campus. You will have the option to decline if you wish.