Technology is great when it works, but one wrong click and a nasty cyber scam can set you back a few hundred dollars. But for a college it can cripple an entire campus community. Manager of student computing in the Technology Commons Andy Voelker talked about how WCU’s IT department handles these threats.
The Information Technology staff at Western Carolina has dealt with their share of computer viruses this year. Though it may seem that the campus servers are down at the most obvious times, the IT professionals have reduced viruses and other scams this year by 79 percent.
This successful number can be attributed to the installation of the Blue Coat Anti-Virus software. It filters out about .02 percent of daily traffic on the campus, which may not seem like much, but according to Voelker, Blue Coat does more than enough.
Voelker and other IT staff will talk technology and take calls/emails about problems you have with computers every Monday on Power 90.5 at 7:30pm during the IT show “Tech Tips”