WCU Director of student recruitment, Paul Cauley greeted the students and their parents during Open House Spring 2012. Photo: Jamie North.
Western Carolina University will be hosting the last Open House of the semester on Saturday, Nov. 9.
The Office of Admission runs the Open house, where students and their parents have a chance to discover what academic programs WCU has to offer. Many departments, student services, and student organizations will be there to answer any questions the prospective students may have. Philip Cauley, Director of Student Recruitment and Retention, said the point of Open house is to “kick the tires and take WCU for a test drive.”
According to the Open House Committee, there are 2,038 prospective students and their guests pre-registered to come this weekend.
There will be different sessions offered through out the day to provide information about the campus, in addition to a tour around campus. The academic assembly will provide a detailed and personal way to learn about the different departments in the Ramsey Center, starting at 8:30 a.m. After the initial session, the students will go to their chosen academic program that interests them and go to a location on campus where they will get more information on that subject as well as meet some of the professors. In the afternoon there will be an Information Fair in the University Center, where the guests can explore student services, organizations and ways for students to get involved at events that may interest each individual.
“Open house gives students and their families a chance to shop for the information that they want or need,”Cauley said.