The third annual “World Languages Poetry” event incorporated five languages and contributed to cultural unification. The Feb. 7 event, held by the World Languages Department, gives professors and students the opportunity to gather together to read love poems and poetry about diverse cultures. This event was formed and brought together by professor Garrett Fisher of the Spanish program. […]
Archives for February 7, 2017
Diverse languages united by poetry readings
February 7, 2017 by Daniela Gamboa
Filed Under: Arts & Entertainment Tagged With: japanese, Poetry, spanish, world languages
“This Is Our Youth” is all too familiar for Western students
February 7, 2017 by Alec Simkiss

Western Carolina University’s Stage & Screen finished up their showing of “This Is Our Youth” on Feb. 5 in Bardo Arts Center, striking home the all too familiar concept of leaving the nest into a more complicated world than we started in. “(The show) was uncomfortably human, uncomfortably relatable, and real,” mentioned Holly Hurding-Jones, junior […]
Filed Under: Arts & Entertainment, Campus News Tagged With: acting, bardo arts center, black box, play, review, stage and screen, this is our youth, WCU