Catamount Canstruction Project helps community

Kevin McNamara   and Brannon Mahaley co-wrote the story

Student Government Association Team participating in Canstruction on March 22. Photo by Travon Ricketts.

Cullowhee, NC has a documented problem with impoverished people in our community.  In Brian Railsback’s English class, The Journey in Literature, the students were assigned a final project for this semester. in alleviating that local issue.

The second annual Catamount Canstruction Project took place at the Catafount on March 22.  The goal for this student run project is to alleviate some of the poverty within the surrounding community by collecting cans. In this event 4 teams, making up a total of roughly 25 participants, make constructs out of cans, hence the name, Canstruction. In an attempt to assist the community, this group of students is collecting canned foods and other non-perishables to donate to those in need through the United Christian Ministry and Home Base. The United Christian Ministry assists those in need in Jackson County, while Home Base is geared towards people on campus. 

Being the Chair of Faculty Senate, Railsback created the Faculty Student Support Fund to help students with money problems. According to Railsback, out of the $10,000 the fund has raised, $400 worth of food that went to the Canstruction Project. Besides that, $400 worth of food, the event helped them to raise an additional $900 worth of food.  Recently, Railsback made a 345-mile ride to Raleigh, NC to raise awareness and funds for the Student Support Fund. To view that story, click here.

One of the teams that participated was WCU’s Student Government Association, and this team included Desmond Worrell, Mollie Jones, William Boggs, Austin Truitt, Lucas Campbell and Colton Greer. WCU’s SGA team were all very excited to participate in the 2nd annual Construction project. This gives SGA a chance to make a difference at such a well organized event.

Also in attendance was “Team Team”, this included Jesse Mays, Josh Geiger, Emily Nickell, Landon Brendle and Harrison Hess. They were missing a team member, but when *(Harrison Hess) arrived they were able to complete their structure.

Claire Bunn, the project coordinator for this event, is an Honors College student, and one of nine selected for the Center for Life Enrichment scholars working on this project. The SGA is also working alongside them to make the Canstruction event a success.

“We live in a pretty impoverished area, other than the campus itself, so [we are] just trying to help out the general community as a school and sic as, especially as, CLE scholars…” Bunn said.

Claire Bunn preparing her table for the annual Canstruction project.
Photo By: Travon Ricketts

Canstruction is an very impactful event, for students who are apart of poverty within the surrounding community. By collecting cans this helps give people who need assistance with something to eat when in a time of need. The can’s are raised and donated to Homebase, a campus Ministry that is a new outreach for college students who have aged out of foster care or residential care, this offers support for students who need to be successful in school and in life.

See more photos and video from the event. Video produced by Travon Ricketts