Dr. Frank N. Furter played by director and communications student Casey Jowers. Photo by Bonnie MacAlister
WCU student production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow cast in the Bardo Arts Theater on Halloween day, Oct. 31, brought a full house of horror, entertainment and fun.
This production was put on to give the audience a chilling and fantasy filled Halloween, with communications student Casey Jowers both directing and starring in the show. While the movie was screened, students acted out the scenes for the audience, adding humor and interaction. Audience members saw on screen Dr. Frank N. Furter bring Rocky Horror to life, while also seeing their fellow student in Rocky’s golden short-shorts run around stage frantically. This, added with the outrageous and witty commentary from a heckler in audience, made the almost completely full house roar with laughter through the whole movie.
WCU is not new to student-run productions, but what makes this show unique, as director and star Casey Jowers explained, are the students involved in it.
“None of the students here are theater students. Some of us are actors, and a few of us has had experience on stage but none of us are studying theater,” Casey Jowers said. Students from different majors, levels of stage experience, and even international students everywhere from Brazil to Japan came together to put on this production. Chandler Keller, WCU student and assistant director, believes this helped in the success of the show.
“Because it was put on by a student, I think it’s going to be more relatable and much more entertaining,” Chandler said.
Audience members did not run out of entertainment between the water guns shot at each other to the toilet paper being thrown on stage. For those in the audience who have never previously attended a shadow cast production of Rocky Horror, they were in for a surprise.
“Some people are gonna walk in not knowing what they’re getting into,” said Graceanne Piper Stanley who played Eddie and Dr. Scott. After doing the Time Warp for the second or third time, everyone got into the groove of things.
WCU student Megan Wilson says it was her first time seeing the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show, and didn’t expect the show to go quite as planned.
“It was definitely strange and unique. They would run into the audience and call you out if you’ve never seen the show,” Wilson said. As strange as it may have been, the audience gave a roaring applause and a standing ovation to the cast members while credits rolled in the background. As the show ended, the audience filed into the Bardo Arts Center lobby where everyone was talking about the show. The commentary from the audience went anything from “best Halloween ever!” to “what the hell did we just watch?” No matter which side audience members were on, they all ran for their chance to get a picture with Dr. Frank N. Furter.
After the last curtains were drawn and the cast gave their final bow, the actors ran off stage to take off the makeup and costumes they spent hours putting on before. There was a bittersweet goodbye among the actors, who within the past 5 weeks have gotten to become very close friends. “I loved it so much,” Morgan Robinson, player of Magenta, said. “I think that this cast is just a group of people that all come from different backgrounds and different lives, but we all get along really well and love to hang out with each other.” While Transsexual, Transylvania is now behind them, the cast says they will continue to keep in touch and will never forget the Time Warp.
For a sneak-peak behind the rehearsals for Rocky Horror, check out the photo story made by assistant director Chandler Keller.
Keep updated on the Bardo Arts Center website for more events like Rocky Horror coming up in the future.