Speaker Pelosi claps at Trump during the 2020 State of the Union Address on February 4th.
The clear divide in Congress was on display Tuesday night, Feb. 4, as President Trump delivered his third State of the Union address.Trump boasted on his success while the house leader, Nancy Pelosi tore up his speech because she believed it was dishonest and misleading.
During the speech, Trump repeatedly boasted his accomplishments including many “records broken,” which was met by the roaring applause of his Republican supporters and the less than impressed silence of the Democrat representatives in attendance.
The economy was a major talking point for Trump during his address.
“Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again,”Trump said adding that “our economy is the best it has ever been.” He also stated that the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in 50 years, and he later indicated that the unemployment rate for “African-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history.”
He also pointed out that 7 million people are now off of food stamps and 10 million people are off of welfare, and he also cited the success of the stock market as an indication of his success as president.
According to fact checkers from NPR, many of Trump’s claims about the economy were either exaggerated or misleading. For example, while it is true that people are getting off of welfare and food stamps, the reason for that is not because people are becoming more financially secure, but it is because of measures that Trump has been pushing on state governments that have made it more difficult to receive the government funded aide.
Bipartisan support was scarce, and Trump made it clear that he had no intention of extending any olive branch to the Democratic Party. This is best exemplified by his jab at progressives while discussing healthcare:
“If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free health care to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left. But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government health care for illegal aliens!”
One of the more exciting moments of the night took place when Trump took another jab at the left leaning members of congress when talking about needing to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Trump said that if they give him a bill, he’ll sign it. This prompted the chanting of “HR 3” from a group of Democrats. They were referring to the Elijah Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which was a bill passed through the house and is still awaiting Senate action.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was visibly displeased with the address throughout the night. She could be seen making faces after grand statements made by Trump. When asked what she thought of the address she promptly said, “I tore it up.” Referring to when she literally tore up her copy of the State of the Union Address as Trump finished speaking.
Despite the clear divide that was made painfully obvious throughout the address, there were some moments of unity highlighted throughout the night. The first was regarding justice reform and the passage of the First Step Act which received bipartisan applause. However, this act could be undermined by the Attorney General Bill Bar. More information on that can be read here.
Another issue that brought about major bipartisan support was the promise Trump made to improve the infrastructure of the nation.
The women Democrats also came together to display their unity and commitment to fight for the rights of the oppressed. They did this by wearing white, which they did at the last State of the Union as well. Only time will tell if this commitment will spread to the rest of the congressional body.
Trump also spent a large portion of the address sharing emotionally driven anecdotes of individuals that he had asked to attend. He also surprised several of these guests with acts of goodwill. For example, he surprised Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and he had a soldier surprise his family by returning home from tour that night. Seen here.