How are you, really?

Story was co-produced with  Kilikena Jordan

For many young adults, college is a time of growth, learning and exploration. However, for some college students, this transition into adulthood can be a time of significant change and challenge to their emotional and mental well-being. With many students beginning and ending their school year with COVID-19, this can be a difficult time to transition and grow towards their new future.

Students at WCU spoke with reporters Marina Cooper and Kilikena Jordan at Western Carolina University to answer the question, “How are you, really?” Students ranging from freshmen to seniors opened up about the struggles with new procedures that many colleges are introduced during this semester.

Western Carolina University provides support for students through CAPS. This is a Counseling & Psychological Service that encourages students to contact them when you or another needs support with coping and healing.

Please contact them at 828.227.7469 if you or another needs support.