Photo courtesy of Brian Barwatt.
This story was originally published in The Sylva Herald , Feb. 23 edition.
Registration is open for the 12th annual Assault on Blackrock, a 7-mile trail race leading racers to ascend and descend Blackrock Mountain.
Runners who register by March 1 get a free T-shirt. So far, 68 runners from 10 states have signed up, Race Coordinator Brian Barwatt said.
He predicts there will be more in the days leading up to the March 19 race.
This year all racers will start at the same time, unlike last year when because of the pandemic the start was in increments. Runners and hikers who register for the race will ascend rocky logging roads and steep single track trails to the 5,810-foot summit of Blackrock, getting a 360-degree view of the Plott Balsams.
There will be one water station for use on the ascent and descent of the mountain. The station will either have water bottles or jugs for runners to fill up their own bottles, Barwatt said.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers and the top male and female masters, people aged 50 and up.
Many runners participate just for the Blackrock 101 challenge, attempting to complete the course in 101 minutes or less to receive a commemorative belt buckle.
“Thirty-nine people won belt buckles last year,” Barwatt said. “About 25 percent of the participants typically win a belt buckle if the weather is good. If it rains, that percentage is usually much lower.”
Last year’s overall winner was Canyon Woodward from Franklin who set a course record of 1:06:2. The top female finisher was Alena Klimas from Asheville with a time of 1:33:34.
All proceeds from this year’s race will go to the Jackson County Rescue Squad, Barwatt said.
The pre-registration fee is $25, and the fee for signing up on race day is $30. A printable registration form, course map and any further information are available on the Assault on Blackrock Facebook page.
Register online at: https://ultrasignup.com/.
For more information on the race, contact Barwatt at 506-2802 or barwatt@hotmail.com.