WCU Week of Kindness comes to an end but the message stays: Be kind!

Week of Kindness at WCU is a new event that was started during Fall 2021 and it seems it is here to stay. Last week was the second week-long celebration of kindness.

“Really it is just a time where people are encouraged, whether it’s student, faculty, or staff to show kindness to each other and to themselves,” said Jessica Mizzi the WCU Marketing Manager and organizer of the speakers.

The week started on Monday and had events planned throughout the week including a dance class, a yoga class, a meditation session, and the speakers event to conclude the week.

Speakers event from Friday, April 8. By Rachel Lepine

“You will notice little things happening around campus during the Week of Kindness including the flags that are at place in the UC with notes of kindness of them, social media posts, there was a yoga class on the UC lawn and this is… the culminating event,” said Mizzi about the speaker series.

The school also posted kindness stations in the buildings around campus and planted flags on the UC lawn.

Table in Forsyth to spread kind words. By Rachel Lepine

Since the event is so new and unknown, participation was low. Participation is an important part of having an event on campus, but even with low participation they do not plan on giving up.

“The goal is to have that participation increase as Week of Kindness becomes a more regular thing on campus,” said Mizzi.

The plan is to make the event annual if not bi-annual, happening every semester. Keep your eyes open for the Week of Kindness and its activities in Fall 2022.