Full Spectrum Farms will host its annual Starlight Night fundraiser to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8.
Join Full Spectrum Farms to enjoy a BBQ dinner, hayrides, live music, silent auction, kid’s theater, games and more.

The pandemic impacted the continuation of the fundraiser for two years. Starlight Night produces 50% of the operating budget for the organization.
“We practice life skills like phone calls, laundry, dating, [money management] and all this types of things,” said farm director Erin McManus in an interview.
The donations will continue to provide items and management on the farm for programs that allow the clients to grow as individuals. Tickets are $25 per person or $50 for a family of four. Tickets are available the night of the event and in advance on its website.
Full Spectrum Farms provides interactive programs such as adaptive gardening, one-on-one pottery, art therapy, and life skills to clients free of charge. McManus says it feels a little like starting over in terms of getting the word out that the event is back.
This year clients will have a moment to showcase their artwork on stage. Clients look forward to the fundraiser each year as it brings them pride.
“It’s kind of a celebration of the farm as well as a fundraiser,” said Carol West, farm manager.
The event is expecting to see old clients return and new clients arrive. McManus describes the event as a “friend-raiser” as new people discover the organization by purchasing a ticket or being invited.