WCU students dazzled by on-campus circus act

Last Minute Productions (LMP) welcomed to the stage, The Great DuBois! The UC Grandroom teemed with life as audiences young and old filled the seats. The event took place on Jan. 31 and there were 295 people in attendance. The traveling circus duo brought out all the stops with their spectacular variety show.

Aerialist, contortionist and one-half of The Great DuBois, Viktoria Grimmy, hails from five generations of circus performers. Grimmy grew up in the circus and began performing at a very early age. Her aerial feats wowed the audience. Students were on their feet to get a good view as she performed impressive acrobatics from an aerial hoop.

Freshman Jackson Pressley thoroughly enjoyed the act. “It was simply amazing to see her perform that close to the audience and everything she did was extremely impressive,” he said.

Michael DuBois kept the audience laughing with his witty jokes and crafty juggling tricks. He performed age-old spinning plate tricks with modern flair. Students were on the edge of their seats as he performed tricks on a 6-foot-tall unicycle. One of his wonderous acts was escaping from a straitjacket while atop the unicycle. DuBois also performed tricks on a slackwire. A slackwire (not to be confused with a slackline) is a flexible, steel, wire suspended in the air. It is used in circus acts for balancing and various tricks. DuBois performed difficult tricks as he walked forwards, backward and balanced on one leg.

It was a nostalgic live performance of art that many have forgotten. The crowd “oohed” and “aahed” as the pair put on a stupendous show. The crowd erupted in applause as the duo bowed.

Students chattered about the performance as they left the UC. The performance was a fresh and exciting way for students to spend their night!

“I wasn’t planning on going at first but I’m glad I did,” said Pressley.

If you missed the circus, don’t worry! LMP has a lot of exciting things going on this month. They are hosting a silent disco and karaoke on Feb. 9th along with an aura reading on the 10th. Visit the Campus Activities Instagram page to stay up to date on their schedule.