Opinion: the end of the world?

2023 should be glorious,

A year to advance and be better. 

And yet there’s more division than ever,

And that’s why I’m writing this letter. 

Technology has made us more connected,

Makes us closer and learn so quick. 

But it also gives birth to the worst of us, 

The ones that do things that make you feel sick. 

Politics continue to be talked about, 

But it leaves many people bitter and tense. 

Many mistakes with guns, prejudice, and more, 

It shows that some just don’t use common sense. 

All these issues are significant,

They can get us mad and/or give us depression. 

When it’s talked about so much in the news, 

It makes people like me question: 

Is the world going to end? 

How, when, and most importantly why? 

Too much polluted gas? Too many murders? 

Too many wars that drown out children’s cries? 

Millions of years of human evolution, 

Species fading, new life emerging.

Only to end the exact same way,  

No matter how our paths are diverging? 

Freedom, justice, and equality,

All good things we fight for with such haste.

Now it seems with each passing day,

It may just become a waste.

And for what exactly?

Just because of ego, greed, and need for fame? 

Undoing what we’ve worked for to gain liberty,  

Just based on feelings, lies, and crooked names? 

What will it take to wake up? 

What will it take to become better? 

What good can my words do? 

Can any good come from my letter? 

I know I can’t change everything, 

I know my imperfections, my flaws. 

But before we waste our lives away, 

Stop for a moment and pause. 

We are all human beings. 

We are not Titans or Gods. 

Despite our limitations, 

We can beat the odds. 

We can bring people together,

Spread happiness, love, and joy. 

No matter who you are, 

Black, white, girl or boy. 

The world isn’t all black or white, 

There are different kinds of people everywhere. 

We can all create a better future, 

But only if you care. 

Think about family, friends, and more,

You can try and give others a lift. 

Whether big or small, do it while you still can,

Before our world is gone and we all watch it drift. 

Samuel Dietrich is a WCU communications major. This poem was for Intercultural Communication studies.