Archives for February 5, 2025

Trump’s executive orders on undocumented citizens worries students and WCU administration

President Donald Trump has made his stance clear when it comes to the United States-Mexico border: deport undocumented citizens, close the borders and make immigration and asylum more difficult in the United States. Many members of the Latinx community on Western Carolina University’s campus are worried. Worried about their loved ones who may be in […]

Black History 101 Mobile Museum visits WCU

“Black history is American history, and we want to give people a thorough understanding of how broad and deep our contributions to society have been,” said Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, founder of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum.  Western Carolina University and DegreePlus hosted the Black History 101 Mobile Museum on Feb. 3 to provide a […]

“Crazy goofy fun”: The Outhouse Races return

Story originally published in The Sylva Herald Feb. 5 edition. Outhouses are a rare sight these days and occupied outhouses on skis sliding downhill even rarer. Visitors to the  Sapphire Valley Ski Area can enjoy the sight in February when the Great Sapphire Outhouse Race hits the slopes. “It’s like NASCAR on ice,” said RJ […]