Blue Ridge to receive new gym, classrooms and cafeteria

Randy Baker architect from Pinnacle responds to questions from the commissioners and Board of Education during the meeting on Feb. 6. Photo by WCJ.

Although not included in the top five priorities of the board, the Blue Ridge Elementary in Cashiers was acknowledged as needing a gymnasium alongside additional classroom and cafeteria space. 

“We are happy to have our County Commissioners recognize that there are needs there but I don’t think we can really do anything else at this point until we start holding those stake holder meetings and really solidifying the needs that our community holds,” Ayers said.

The cafeteria is the focal point of the issues at the school. The kitchen is in an exit hallway of the school due to limited cafeteria space.

“Depending on the size of the project, it normally would only take us four to six months to get the actual drawings completed so in four to six months we should be ready to [break ground],” Baker said in regard to the Blue Ridge improvements.

Estimates of completion depend on the extent that Blue Ridge will be altered. Baker gave an estimate of six to 10 months for a stand alone gymnasium. 

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