Hunting the mourning dove

The story was updated December 2, 2013 with a multimedia at the end of the story. The sun had shifted from directly above to directly over the trees on the opposite side of the blown down corn field, leaving no space for shade except the slat right behind the trees we were standing under. We […]

Catfish brought to WCU

Nev Schulman, the host of MTV’s reality show, Catfish: The TV Show, brought inspiring advice to hundreds of fans packed into the UC Grand Room on Monday, Sept. 23, hosted by Last Minute Productions. An hour after the doors opened, Schulman made his way up the center aisle, videoing fans, shaking hands, and even kissing […]

An apple a day… helps support the local economy

The 67th annual NC Apple Festival began under cloudy skies on Friday, August 30. But a little threat of rain and thunderstorms all weekend wasn’t enough to deter people from packing both sides of the street, moving at a snail’s pace akin to rush hour on a Friday afternoon. “The apple has been called the loveliest […]

Apple growers unravel their tents for the North Carolina Apple Festival

Over Labor Day weekend, the mouthwatering aromas of apple turnovers, apple cider, candied apples, caramel apples, apple fritters, apple butter, funnel cakes and many other festival foods will be floating down Main Street Hendersonville, North Carolina, pulling willing customers to the vendors that sell them for the annual North Carolina  Apple Festival in Henderson County. […]

Fishing: a line and a lure

Every spring, the white bass converge on the rivers in North Carolina, gliding upstream to participate in spawning rituals that result in waters overflowing with the silver-bodied fish. If fishermen calculate correctly, they will find themselves ripping these fish out of the water faster than they can reel. “I’ve had days when I’ve literally caught […]

Students learn about options and limitations of the hearing-impaired

When Western Carolina University student Sarah Keith walked up to the ticket booth at the Quin Theater in Sylva to purchase a movie ticket, she felt confident and outgoing. She knew what she was there to do and she already knew what the answer to her question would be before she even asked the man […]