Student opinion on ‘Intentional Conversations’ panel

Video created by Kayla Brookshire. After the ‘Intentional Conversations’ political panel on Thursday, March 3, we gathered some audience opinions about how the panel helped students understand certain aspects of our government and what they ultimately learned from the discussion. The speakers covered topics like prison reform, foreign policy, feminism, voting policies and even voter suppression. […]

Last Minute Productions brings Lea DeLaria to WCU (for real this time)

As some of you might have noticed, Lea DeLaria, widely known for her role as Carrie “Big Boo” Black in the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, has been scheduled and rescheduled to speak on Western Carolina’s campus for some time now. Those that have been looking forward to DeLaria’s appearance since last semester […]

Brand vs. convenience: What it means to coffee consumers at WCU

Multimedia story with Paige Alvarez. It’s a chilly morning and you’re headed to class for your 8 a.m. lecture hall. You’re walking through the courtyard, letting out a wide yawn, when you have the sudden urge to caffeinate yourself in the best way that you know how: coffee. You slow to a stop in the middle […]

Majoring in Elementary Education: Is it worth it?

Bent over a wooden table littered with textbooks and sheets of tattered instructions, a Western Carolina senior clicks incessantly on her keyboard, eyes glazing over from looking at the same computer screen for hours—or is it sleep deprivation that is causing her eyes to cross? Creating lesson plan after lesson plan, Jessica Shearin, an Elementary […]