Have you ever looked up at the shimmering night sky and formed lingering questions about the universe, the planets, and the constellations that you simply didn’t understand? WCU’s “Star Party” event gave you a chance to ask those questions and get some answers, as well as gave a chance to see some amazing things in […]
WCU’s “Star Party” kicks off N.C. Science Festival for 2013
April 11, 2013 by Randy Conn
Filed Under: Campus News, Community, Home, Technology Tagged With: comet, event, Gomez, N.C. Science Festival, Star Party, stars
Tax season brings class war mentality to WNC, translates to moral war between citizens
March 17, 2013 by Randy Conn

Lower income individuals and families in WNC are receiving more of a tax return this year than last year as President Obama’s plan to pull the middle class out from below the poverty line begins to take shape. The U.S. Census Bureau released data in 2011 that stated nearly one out of every five mountain […]
Filed Under: Community, Election 2014, Interviews, News, Opinion Tagged With: Americans, families, income tax, North Carolina, Obama, Poverty, taxes, The Jackson County Community Table, welfare
Wrestling with faith
November 28, 2012 by Randy Conn

Billy Ketchersid almost lost his livelihood, his family, and his life to alcohol and drugs. He was on the fast track to a dead end lifestyle until his faith in God, combined with his love of professional wrestling, saved his life. William Wayne Ketchersid, 40, abused drugs from the age of 12 to the age […]
Filed Under: Community, Featured, Home, Navigation Tagged With: alcohol, Billy Ketchersid, drugs, faith, FMW, Full Momentum Wrestling, Ketchersid, recovery, WNC, wrestle, wrestling