Slam poet G Yamazawa is coming to WCU

Have you ever wanted to hear a spoken word artist perform poetry? Your chance is on its way! Award winning slam poet, G Yamazawa, will grace Western Carolina University with his spunk and wit on Monday, Feb. 29, in UC Illusions at 7 p.m. The G Yamazawa Slam Poet event is a part of the Coffeehouse […]

Behind the scenes: volunteers of the UP Program

“I can’t express to you how much this program means to me, how much the students, volunteers and staff have influenced and touched my life,” said two-year volunteer and now paid natural support for Western Carolina University’s University Participant Program (UP), Grayson Coleman. Coleman’s response is much like many other volunteer reactions when asked how […]

Fighting for a new Jackson County Animal Shelter

Mud mushes in under car tires heading up Airport Road in Cullowhee. After a drive up the narrow, inclined, twisty back road, a dirty gate stands open on the left, and an unwelcoming hill lies ahead. Following a steady ascent to the muddy hill’s peak, a timeworn, outdated building can be seen sitting amidst a tiny unpaved parking lot. A few shrubs […]

Defining and improving the “Total Student Experience”

Multimedia project created with David Johnson. Does the “total student experience” consist of having fun stuff to do on the weekends? Is it living in a college environment that provides extracurricular activities that pertain to student interests? Is it simply just receiving all the tools students need to graduate? Western Carolina University’s faculty and staff […]

WCU Military Student Services and SVA work together to support veterans

What happens when military students are called to active duty while they are at school? How does someone withdraw from classes while they are heading to a foreign country? How do military students transition into college life after being involved in an entirely different world? America honors military members on Veterans Day, but Western Carolina University […]

Advising Day signals the return of registration season

The author is a student worker in WCU’s Advising Center. For students at Western Carolina University, fall 2015 Advising Day was not only a break from classes, it was a chance to organize schedules and get to know advisers before registration begins. All day on Oct. 27, students met with advisers and department staffs at various […]