This story was written by Quintin Ellison, originally published in The Sylva Herald. The UNC system’s strategic plan “aligns nicely” with Western Carolina University’s historic mission of serving first-generation mountain students, with a new statewide emphasis on enrolling more low-income and rural students while ensuring timely graduation, according to Chancellor David Belcher. By August, WCU and the […]
Former SMHS assistant principal to lead the new Catamount School
This story was originally published in The Sylva Herald. Bob Dinsdale, former assistant principal at Smoky Mountain High School, has been appointed to direct the Catamount School, the new “lab school” partnership between Western Carolina University and Jackson County Public Schools. Dinsdale, currently assistant principal at Asheville High School, will be the chief administrator for the Catamount […]
Police say student started WCU fire in dorm’s elevator
This story was originally published in The Sylva Herald. Police say a Western Carolina University student set the Feb. 13 fire in Walker Residence Hall that forced hundreds of students to evacuate. Byron Young, 18, a WCU freshman from Winston-Salem, faces a felony criminal charge of burn certain public buildings. If convicted, he could face 10 […]
Amid deportation rumors … Immigrants gripped by fear
This story was written by Quintin Ellison, originally published in The Sylva Herald. As federal policies on immigration harden, the local rumor mill churns ever faster. Federal agents and local law enforcement officers reportedly arrested a Hispanic man on immigration violations at Sylva’s Walmart Plaza. Local law enforcement say the story is untrue. Police officers did arrest […]
NC Promise universities seek reimbursement increase
This story was written by Quintin Ellison, originally published in The Sylva Herald. David Belcher, the chancellor of Western Carolina University, says he’s confident the General Assembly will replace millions in expected lost revenue when NC Promise starts. Beginning in the fall of 2018, in-state students will pay $500 tuition per semester to attend either WCU, UNC […]
Trails at Pinnacle Park deliberately spiked
This story was written by Quintin Ellison, originally published in The Sylva Herald. Police and volunteers used leaf blowers and metal detectors to sweep Pinnacle Park’s entire 18-mile trail system, uncovering and removing 50 or more booby-trap spikes forged from 16-penny nails. Someone hammered the nails into roots. The nails’ heads were clipped or cut off, leaving […]