Iowa goes to caucus

  On Feb. 1, Iowa voters officially kick off the election season with their caucus a week before New Hampshire has its primary on Feb. 9.  Bing election blog predicts Donald Trump winning Iowa on the Republican side with nearly 40 percent of the vote and Hilary Clinton winning the Democratic primary with around 50 percent. This is close […]

WCU students and staff react to President Obama’s final State of the Union Address

President Obama gave his final State of the Union Address on Jan.12. In his address to the nation the president discussed key issues including climate change, terror threats, cheaper college and immigration reform.   “If anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change have at it. You will be pretty lonely because you will […]

Is WCU really top adventure school?

Story co-written with Billy Simpson.  For the past two years Western Carolina University has been named the top adventure school in the Southeast by the Blue Ridge Outdoor Magazine. The winner was decided through an online poll and whoever received the most votes won. Other schools WCU competed against included Virginia Tech, Brevard College, The University […]

WCU College Republicans host debate watch party

The College Republicans at Western Carolina University held a watch party at the Catamount Peaks apartments for the third Republican Presidential Debate. The debate, that was hosted by CNBC, had the same format as the previous two – the smaller debate with the last four candidates, (Senator Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, Governor Bobby Jindal and […]