Story is co-written/produced with Hallie West Over its 130 years as an institution, Western Carolina University has grown from a one-room school building with just under 20 students to a university with over 11,000 students from not only North Carolina, but around the world. As the university continues to grow and develop, we’ve documented some […]
UNCC shooting hits close to home
“So far in 2019, 131 people have been killed and 391 wounded in 109 mass shootings.” This statistic from Vox includes the recent mass shooting at UNC Charlotte on Tuesday, April 30, that resulted in the death of two students and four others injured. The two students killed were Riley C. Howell, 21, and Ellis […]
Kelli R. Brown named 12th chancellor of Western Carolina University
Story from WCU’s Office of Communications and Public Relations. CULLOWHEE – The University of North Carolina Board of Governors elected Kelli R. Brown, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Georgia College & State University, as the new chancellor of Western Carolina University during a special session of the board held today (Thursday, […]
WCU celebrates international communities on campus
Story co-written/produced with Natalie Ballard In the heart of Western Carolina’s campus, a beautiful whirlwind of colors circled the fountain as students and faculty carrying the flags of 42 countries from around the world celebrated Western’s 40th annual International Festival. Hosted by WCU’s Office of International Programs and Services, this year’s International Festival provided students with […]