Softball player competes at all costs

When Robyn Burnette was four years old, she craved the athleticism and competition that most people her age couldn’t even comprehend. For this WCU softball player sports is everything and is worth the pain. “I bugged the crap out of her [Burnette’s mom] and my dad until signups came along and they signed me up […]

From California Dreamin’ to Fried Chicken Eatin’

Michelle Bello has what people call it “golf in her genes” and you could say she is destined to play. When Bello was six years old her dad got her into golf and liked it a lot. But, as she got older her interest changed and she began playing softball. That took a toll on […]

Western Carolina student prepares to launch music career

Western Carolina junior Dustin “Dutter” Richardson has always had music in his heart. But music hasn’t always come first in his life. The former college baseball player has spent the majority of his life playing the game he so dearly loves. But last spring Richardson gave up on his aspirations of playing in the major […]

WCU goes wireless

Residential Living seems to be committed to expanding wireless to all residence halls that currently do not have it as soon as they are financially able as reported by Andy Voelker, Manager of of Student Computing in the Technology Commons. Wireless is a big concern with students on campus. With the growing trend of smart […]

WCU alum works for the Democratic National Convention

Western Carolina University alumni Meredith Oakley has had her own share of jobs since graduating this past May, but none of them quite compare to the task she underwent at the beginning of this month. Oakley was hired by RK Productions as a Production Assistant where she worked at the Democratic National Convention to begin the […]

WCU soccer girl beat the odds and continues to play

Samantha Hodge never expected that following her passion for soccer meant so much pain. The 22-year old WCU senior and soccer player for the WCU Catamounts is playing but that comes at a price. Hodge started playing soccer when she was 6 years old because her parents wanted her to get more involved. “Neither of my parents […]