Comments Policy

We believe in interacting with our audience and encourage your feedback concerning the
articles and multimedia you encounter on our site. However, we do request that
your comments be relevant, respectful and truthful, promoting a healthy
interactive environment.

Comments containing personal attacks; profanity; nudity; attacks on race,
creed, or religion; or illegal material are prohibited. We reserve the right, at
our sole discretion, to remove a comment, and also to revoke a user’s privilege
to post content on our site.

Please be aware that we cannot and will not review every single comment posted on the
site immediately. If you see a comment that you believe violates this user
agreement, please let us know by contacting us. Posts will not be removed
automatically, but we will investigate all reported problems.

By submitting a comment to the site you are consenting to the following rules:

We are committed to a policy of transparency and openness. In that spirit, your first
and last name will be attached to each post you make. This is consistent with
our policy on using anonymous sources in our news stories: An anonymous source
may only be used in the rare cases and only with the approval of the

Opinions expressed in comments are not necessarily those of the Western Carolina
Journalist and its staff, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any posting.

Comments are to be used only for noncommercial purposes. You may not solicit funds or
promote commercial entities.