Search Results for: contact

Chancellor Brown: “This may seem like a risk, but it’s really not”

WCU’s administrators stuck to their “script” Monday evening, Aug. 10, at a virtual town hall held by SGA President Dawson Spencer. Over 200 students tuned in to the zoom call with nearly the same amount of questions. The administrators present, including Chancellor Kelli R. Brown, had responses that students described as “confusing,” “reiterations of previous […]

Community spread of COVID-19 continues in Jackson County

Chandler Keller assisted in the reporting of this story.  The number of COVID-19 cases in Jackson county jumped to 12 this past week. This was an increase of seven cases from the last update sent out on April 24. In addition to this, eight individuals have tested positive at a Jackson County healthcare provider that […]

Four WCU subcontractors test positive for COVID-19

Four Western Carolina University subcontractors working on the new Tom Apodaca Science Building have tested positive for COVID-19. WCU officials received the notice of the first positive test for COVID-19 on April 22. That individual had been tested by a private healthcare provider and was ordered to comply with the appropriate isolation measures. The individual […]

Tips and tricks to stay healthy during COVID-19

With COVID-19 continuing to make its way through the states, more and more people are asked to take shelter in their homes and to not leave. With this, there has been a growing concern for mental health as well as physical health. To help ease these concerns here are a few tips and tricks to […]

HOMEBASE still offering services amongst COVID-19

During the COVID-19 crisis a lot of students working on or near campus lost their jobs. Leading to lower or no income for necessary expenses like rent, food and hygiene needs. The university is offering a student relief fund for students who need to pay for these expenses. Another resource including food, hygiene needs, and housing being […]

WCU adopts new grading guidelines for Spring 2020 semester

Western Carolina University adopted a new Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading policy for the Spring 2020 semester. Richard Starnes, Interim Provost of Western Carolina University, announced the new guidelines on Friday, March 27. The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading resolution was proposed and passed by Faculty Senate on Wednesday and was followed by acceptance by the upper administration.  The university will now be […]