The economy and inflation are significant factors behind students’ choice of candidates this election year. Western Carolina University students share their opinions on why these are important factors. Story co-produced with Parker Jacobs.
What does Trump’s base think of him?
President Donald Trump is one of the most polarizing people in politics. People either love him or hate him, and he is clearly driving the motivation for people to go to the polls this year. Whether it’s to keep him or vote him out. In 2016 at WCU, people proudly wore their MAGA hats, Trump flags, […]
Effects of budget cuts in education visible in Western North Carolina
Since the economic downturn of 2008, state and federal budgets have been re-worked and reduced, in the hopes of saving money while still funding important public programs such as education. Although funding for public education has always been an issue of public debate, as budgets were reduced across the board, education has taken some of […]