Author is a member of the Sustainable Energy Initiative. Every semester, $5 from every student’s fees goes into a fund controlled by the Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) at WCU. The committee is made up of WCU faculty and staff that want to promote sustainability on campus. Students and faculty can propose brick and mortar projects […]
SEI unveils EV charging station, announces new sustainable projects
April 20, 2017 by Rachel Plouse
Filed Under: Campus News, Environment, Featured, Home Tagged With: cullowhee creek, environment, green energy, sei, Sustainability
Jackson County Green Energy Park hosts artist open house
April 14, 2015 by Mary Wiedel

The Jackson County Green Energy Park (JCGEP) was excited to host their first open house and artist competition on Saturday, April 11. JCGEP has been in existence since 2006, and prides itself on being the first and only art studio powered only by methane gas. The park extracts methane gases from the landfill located on […]
Filed Under: Arts & Entertainment, Community, Featured Tagged With: art, artists, Glass Blowing, green energy, green energy park, jackson county, metal forging