Ron Rash discusses “Serena”

Ron Rash, Western Carolina University professor and author of The New York Times bestseller “Serena”, sat down to talk about the success of his book. He gave insight on how he writes a novel, what his inspiration for the novel was and what his next steps will be. View the full report by Rebecca Romo […]

WNC celebrates Mountain Heritage Day for 40th year

People came from all over North Carolina to celebrate the annual Mountain Heritage Day on Saturday, September 27 at the Western Carolina University intramural fields. Mountain Heritage Day is a celebration of the arts and traditions of western North Carolina that has been celebrated for 40 years. It began in 1974 as the Founder’s Day […]

The Big Birthday Bash – WCU is 125!

Ceillie Simkiss contributed to the story. The cake was eaten, the community showed up, and fun was had at the Big Birthday Bash on Tuesday, August 25. Western Carolina University is officially 125 years old! At the celebration, student organizations, faculty and community members alike gathered to hear some music played by the Pride of the […]