CAPS, REACH, or the Police: What to do in a domestic violence situation

It was a situation out of nearly every woman’s nightmares. On a Saturday morning, in mid-October of 2019, a female Western Carolina student (whom we will call “Anne” for privacy reasons) broke up with her boyfriend. His response spiraled into something that would cause panic throughout her entire household. The boyfriend had slept over at Anne’s apartment and […]

Western Carolina is ‘Out of the Dark’

On Saturday, April 18, 2020, Western Carolina University will walk virtually, alongside the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to support their cause. The North Carolina statewide virtual walk will take place at noon and will be streamed live on Facebook. To walk alongside North Carolina families, friends and loved ones, go to the following link, […]

College students and mental health: an outlook

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines mental health as “our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.” And, it is impactful at every stage of life, from childhood through adulthood. However, […]

You’re not alone! Mental health and coping resources at WCU

Story co-written with Cami Couch and edited by Keegan Wiggins Coping is how to effectively manage something difficult going on in a person’s life. This is much easier said than done, which is why both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms need to be addressed for the students of WCU and the surrounding community to explore options […]

Student athlete mental health at WCU

“If practice runs late tonight I know I’ll have to pull another all-nighter for my exam tomorrow.” Worries like this cross the mind of Bella Pighini, a member of the women’s soccer team at WCU, all the time. As a college student and athlete, a lot stress stems from balancing and managing the two. At […]

WCU talks mental health

This story was written and co-produced with Jillian Kassor When coming to college for the first time, students are braced for a massive change of lifestyle. However, with a high emotion and high stress environment, their mental health may change as well. While this change in mental health has always been a reality, more students today […]