The Great Outhouse Race: A day of fun and chaos!

On Saturday Feb. 18 The Great Outhouse Race took place. Racers from all over the country took the Sapphire Valley slopes to race their themed outhouses. Some used it as an opportunity to advertise local businesses and create connections with the local community while others used it as a carefree fun day! To read more […]

Mold isn’t just found in buildings, it’s a nuisance for microbiologists

Mold is a fickle fungus that WCU has battled with. Hunter Library had a mold growth issue, and many infected books were thrown away. The CAT studios were cleaned for mold on March 15 after two years. Dehumidifiers are in many school buildings, to prevent mold growth.   I wanted to know more about the science […]

‘Cooking’ up the future of biotechnology

Apadaca’s 353 chemistry lab is home to lots of research equipment, chemical substances along with hardworking students and faculty.   Dr. Channa De Silva, chemistry professor, is the faculty advisor for one section of lab. The focus is on nanotechnology. What is nanotechnology?  As De Silva explains, nanotechnology is not new but today its applications can bring […]

Five ways to stay productive in quarantine

As of April 7; 42 states, Guam, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico have issued stay-at-home orders requiring that all residents stay at home except when they need to buy essential items, such as groceries or medicine. As a result, 95% of the American population (or about 306 million people) are in quarantine. According to medical […]

Gender bias toward teachers? WCU students don’t have that problem

 Will Richards helped in collecting the data and with the multimedia  A  study at a French and US university showed that students when evaluating professors are biased toward their female teachers. As NPR reported, the French students rated the male teacher better across the board although on the final exam those taught by male teachers scored lower. In […]