Brian Boyer: NASCAR fan, student friend, and student advocate

Nick Childs Story originally published in The Western Carolinian If you have spent any period at Western, you might have heard the name Brian Boyer tossed around on campus.  Boyer is the Residential Case Manager. His job is to connect to the students and be there to help foster student success. His position was created solely to […]

Around 1,800 pounds of trash picked up at Tuck River Cleanup

Base Camp Cullowhee had the 27th annual Tuck River Cleanup. Volunteers rafted down the river and stopped along the way to pick up trash along the side. Once they reached the end of the river, staff would take the bags of trash and use a scale to see how much the trash weighed. Around 1,800 […]

The Tuck River Cleanup is Back!

The Tuck River cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 23, so get ready to get wet and have fun. The event is organized by Base Camp Cullowhee and is coming back after two years hiatus. This will be the 38th year of the event. “Tuck River Cleanup has been a long running river cleanup on […]

Volunteers are sought again to help clean up roadsides

Story originally published in The Sylva Herald, March 17 edition From the vehicle to the roadside to the ditch to the creek to the river to the Gulf of Mexico. Such is the journey of northern Jackson County litter unless someone steps in to break the cycle. Jackson County’s Keep Our Mountains Clean and Green […]

Local support strong for litter legislation

The story was originally published in The Sylva Herald on March 4 publication. Litter along roadways is a common problem in Jackson County and across the state. A recent bill filed in the North Carolina legislature is aimed at changing that. The Highway Cleanup act, introduced by Rep. John Bell, R-Goldsboro, would double the fines […]

CyberPals helps give those with disabilities computer skill insights

The story was originally published in The Sylva Herald on Feb. 28, 2019 DisAbility Partners, formerly Pathways for the Future, was formed in 1991 as a tax exempt, nonprofit, charitable organization to advocate for issues concerning people with disabilities. DisAbility Partners offers many services and programs to help people with disabilities become more independent. DisAbility […]