This story was originally published in The Sylva Herald, March 16 edition Robots are taking over Smoky Mountain High School. The Academic Robotics Team will be competing for the first time since the start of COVID-19 at UNC Asheville from 10:30 am until 4pm Saturday, March, 19. A student-designed and built robot called the “FROGBOT” […]
The Tuck River Cleanup is Back!
The Tuck River cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 23, so get ready to get wet and have fun. The event is organized by Base Camp Cullowhee and is coming back after two years hiatus. This will be the 38th year of the event. “Tuck River Cleanup has been a long running river cleanup on […]
Trivia night fun spreading in Sylva
The story was originally published in The Sylva Herald, March 30 edition “What author described an 1897 report of his death as an “exaggeration”? Groups of three or four huddled around tables to discuss the answer, speaking quietly so other teams could not hear. Once satisfied, the teams marked their response on the answer sheet. […]
Elaine Utin speaking out to students about LatinxED
Elaine Utin, co-founder and executive director of LatinxED will reach out to students interested in her organization on Tuesday, March 29. The Zoom meeting is from 4 to 5 p.m. “LatinxED is an educational initiative in North Carolina focusing on Latinx youth seeking higher education and opportunities,” said Melissa Birkhofer, English professor and Director of […]
Night of PRIDE to provide resources for members of LGBTQ+ community
In an effort to promote diversity and assist in the visibility of the LGBTQ+ community at WCU, the Diversity Committee of the College of Education and Allied Professions (CEAP) will be hosting Night of PRIDE Thursday, March 24. Night of PRIDE will also be hosted in partnership with Intercultural Affairs and Degree Plus. The event […]